Sometimes you just need someone to sit down with you in real time.

Maybe you want direct feedback on your brand’s website or an email sequence.

Or maybe you’re a new copywriter and you have questions about the business.

Maybe you’re interested in giving a TEDx Talk and you want more information about the process from someone who’s been through it.

But you’re over the back-and-forth dance of posting in a Facebook group. Or sending a Loom or a Voxer.

You actually want to talk to somebody. And hear them respond back to you.

We have so many “asynchronous” communication tools available to us, but sometimes they just don’t “pass muster.”

Sometimes, you just want to go back to the old-timey days (when people actually talked to each other and said things like “pass muster”).

So while I can’t time-machine you back to 1955, I can meet up to answer your questions in real time.

Just like the good ol’ days.

⬇ Request your Wildcard Power Hour session ⬇

I’ll follow up with a couple of questions and scheduling options based on your needs.

Questions about Q&A Sessions or other services? Send me a note!