Frequently Asked Questions

Is your name Cat? (Nope!)

My name is Cathlyn (“CATH-lynn,” she/her). When I named my business, I didn’t realize folks would assume that I was, in fact, The Right Cat.

So thank you for asking! “Cathlyn” is my name.

Story time: I actually wanted my copywriting business to be “Blue Cat Creative.”

I’ve had a beautiful cat stamp and bright blue inkpad since high school that I used to use as a bookplate. I thought a blue cat was an oddity. But I guess blue cats must be pretty darn popular, because . . .

Apparently there are already organizations called “Blue Cat Audio,” “Blue Cat Networks,” “Blue Cat Screenplay Competition,” “Blue Cat Bistro,” “Blue Cat Steak & Wine Bar,” “Blue Cat Media” . . . and, yes, even a “Blue Cat Creative” (they make jewelry and soap).

Who knew blue cats were so trendy? Not me. So I switched it up. And now I’m “Right Cat Creative.”

Is Right Cat Creative an agency, or will I work directly with Cathlyn?

Right Cat Creative is just me, Cathlyn, copywriter and TEDx coach for mission-driven personal brands!

(Well, there’s my dedicated assistant, Tucker the Cat, too.)

That means a few things for you:

Copywriter Cathlyn Melvin of Right Cat Creative leans into a giant statue of a tabby cat designed to look like he is "licking" passersby in the art district of Las Vegas.
  • If I’m working with you, I like you, and I like the good you’re doing for the world. Because I don’t have a “boss,” I don’t have anyone telling me who I can or can’t work with, or what I can do for them. Which leads me to:

  • I’m flexible. Let me know what you need, and there’s a good chance we can work it out!

  • If you’re working with me as a copywriter, you always know I’m the one doing the writing, editing, and proofreading for you. You’ve seen my portfolio, you like what I do, and you want to work with me! So it’d be a little disappointing if I told you later that someone else was going to write your drafts for me, right?

  • If you’re working with me as a TEDx coach, you get my personal attention. There might be opportunities for you to also get feedback and insight from other coaches, writers, editors, performers, and directors in my circle, but I’m your personal TEDx coach.

Have you always been a writer? Where did you learn so much about storytelling and marketing?

This is a complicated question! Someday I’ll write a blog I can link here to give you all the details, but here are the basics.

My degree is in theatre performance. I have a minor in writing. I spent over a decade as a professional actor before I made the official switch to copywriting, but the truth is I had been copywriting that whole time for my work as an independent contractor as well as for the national touring arts education program I owned during that time. (Oh, and that’s also where I learned about sales, from my former business partner and communication queen Cassandra Quinn.)

So all in all, I’ve been doing what I do for fifteen years, thereabouts. And I’ve learned a lot about sales, strategy, copy, content, and crafting a great story in that time.

I’ve noticed you call yourself “she/her.” What does that mean?

Thanks for asking! Those are my pronouns!

I'm a cisgender, straight, female-identifying person . . . who is also usually perceived as female.

So why include my pronouns?

I do it for a couple of reasons.

1) If I introduce myself with my pronouns, someone who might have felt unsure about using their own pronouns in their introduction might feel more comfortable sharing. And if we all know how to describe each other, we all win!

2) I'm marking myself as a safe space for trans, nonbinary, and other LGBTQIA2+ people. I might make mistakes, but I'm dedicated to allyship, accepting and learning from those mistakes so I can continue to be a safer and safer space for those who need it.

I also use my pronouns in my Zoom name, my LinkedIn name, and my email signature.

If you have questions about why I publicize my pronouns, what they are, or how to use them, please let me know. I'm not an expert, but I'm happy to help clarify in any way I can.

I saw you only work with mission-driven businesses. Why is that?

“Mission-driven,” “values-led,” “impact-driven,” “purpose-driven” . . . these are all my people. One of the reasons I work with these kinds of solopreneurs and small team leaders is that we connect. We feel each other and I like that. But also—I’m creating marketing elements for my clients. To feel like I’m working in integrity, I have to collaborate with brands that I feel good about selling. More backstory here.

I scheduled a copywriting exploration call with you. How can I make sure I’m prepared for that conversation?

Ooh, I love this question. There are a few ways you can make sure we have a super-productive exploration call.

Everyone should:

  • Review my service page to familiarize yourself with my service bundles and rates. Bundles can always be customized based on your needs, but these pages will give you an idea of what to expect for your budget.

  • Consider your timeline and priorities. Are there certain projects you want to accomplish first?

  • Write out your goals, the challenges you foresee, and how I can help you overcome them (I’ll help you with this part, too, but it’s helpful if you’ve given it some thought beforehand!)

Depending on your needs, you definitely don’t need to do all of the stuff I’ve listed below. But look it over and if something seems applicable to you, jot down some notes so you’re ready to talk through it with me.

  • If you’re looking for web copy, ask yourself: How is your website going to attract your ideal clients? What do you want your potential customers to learn when they visit? How about your current ones? What is the one main program/service you want to drive customers toward?

  • If you have a blog, think about its weaknesses (e.g. inconsistent posting, low word count, weak keyword strategy) so we can discuss how to build it up (consistent, optimized blogs are your #1 tool for climbing the Google ladder)!

  • Make a list of any email sequences you feel like you’re missing (Do you have a welcome sequence? An abandoned cart sequence? A consistent and valuable newsletter?)

On your call, we’ll talk about your values and mission, your goals, your challenges, your content, and your freedom. Seriously.

My work frees up the all that time you’ve been spending on creation . . . or, maybe all that time you’ve been spending worrying about not creating . . . I’ll improve your marketing and sales efficiency and help boost your bottom line. That means you make a bigger impact and still have more time to build your dreams instead of pinning them to a Pinterest board.

I can’t wait to make a plan with you!

What sorts of payments do you accept?

Paying by e-check (ACH) is the best option, and you can do so directly from the “Pay Now” button on your invoice, which is powered by Stripe. Paying by e-check/ACH is super secure and saves fees. Your information is transferred directly to the financial institution—I never see it.

If you'd prefer to pay by credit card, let me know before you submit your payment so I can adjust your invoice to reflect a 5% convenience fee.

What’s the process like to work with you as a copywriter?

First steps: We’ll start out with a small test project, like a single blog post or one page of your website. If we’re both happy with that experience, then we’ll move into the full contract.

Proposals, Contracts, and Invoices: When we decide to work together, I’ll send you a proposal and, after you approve the proposal, a contract and invoice. The contract will outline the terms of our relationship, and the invoice will give you a quick and easy way to pay.

Deposits & Balances: Monthly retainer fees are due upfront at the beginning of each month. For test/sample projects, full payment is required at contract signing. With launch or rebrand bundles, I require a 50% deposit prior to beginning work.

Edits: Every copywriting contract includes one round of edit requests. Sometimes my clients use them. Other times, they’re happy with the first draft as-is. My drafts are always submitted ready-to-publish, so if you don’t submit any editing requests, I’ll still proofread it and send you your final document.

Tools: I keep my communication simple. Day-to-day communication is via email and I submit my drafts via Google Docs. You can request edits either by leaving comments on the Doc itself (I prefer this method!) or by listing them out in an email.

When you say “one round of edits,” what does that mean?

Ooh, this is such a good question. Editing is actually an entire spectrum of changes, but the kind of edits that are included in my packages are “line edits.” You can read all about the editing spectrum and what I (officially) refer to as “edits” here.

Will you put content onto my site or into my email provider for me?

Some copywriters are also designers or developers, so you might know of businesses whose “copywriter” does that sort of work for them, even if they don’t use those additional titles.

Me, I focus on the words. Your copy and content is my specialty—my “zone of genius” as coaches nowadays are fond of saying. I don’t split my time, so all of my energy goes into getting you the impactful copy you deserve.

I deliver your content fully formatted in a Google Doc, ready for you to input into whatever systems you and your team use.

For more insight on what I will and won’t do, check out my blog, “What does a copywriter do, exactly?”

Do you have a cat?

Copywriter Cathlyn Melvin poses holding her very tolerant cat on their balcony, in front of a trellis of nasturtium vines.

Oh, gosh. Thanks for asking.

I do!

His name is Tucker.

He’s a very needy and affectionate cat, so if you hop on a video call with me there’s a good chance you’ll meet him.

You might even hear him purr his very generous purr.

What a great day that could be for you! (And me. And Tucker, too.)

I have another question. How can I ask you?

I’m happy to help! You can submit a question at the bottom of this contact page.