How long does it take to get a TEDx Talk?

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From the time you begin actively preparing applications, it will likely be at least six months before your TEDx event takes place.

But like so many things about TEDx, the more nuanced answer to this question is…

It depends.

How long it takes you to get your TEDx Talk will depend on:

  • How much time you dedicate to crafting and submitting TEDx applications

  • The specificity and quality of your applications

  • How many applications you send out

  • How prepared you are for additional steps, like auditions or interviews

So here’s what you can do to set yourself up for success.

Choose a powerful topic.

A great Idea Worth Spreading is specific, clear, and compelling. It has the potential to shift the way people think and behave. It’s something you’re passionate about and have experience to support.

Learn how to choose a powerful TEDx topic here.

Submit lots of excellent applications.

Apply broadly — look for local events as well as events you’d like to travel to. Find newer events and well-established ones. Start with a list of 12 upcoming events. Then, keep an eye on the event listings and continue to consistently send out high-quality applications.

Persistence is key!

Learn what makes an excellent application here.

Be prepared for extra steps, like interviews and auditions.

Practice talking about your idea. Record yourself and watch it back to make note of any vocal or physical patterns you’d like to shift away from or lean into. Practice speaking with brevity.

Answer questions like:

  • How do you see your idea changing the world?

  • What makes you the right person to give this talk?

  • What lesson have you learned from a previous speaking opportunity?

  • What is your Idea Worth Spreading all about?

When you commit to quality, consistency, persistence, and preparedness, you lay the foundation for your TEDx acceptance.

Drawing on her decade+ experience as an actor, director, writer, editor, and educator . . .

Messaging Expert Cathlyn Melvin helps visionary business owners design and deliver their world-changing messages through TEDx coaching and done-for-you copywriting services.

Her insight has been featured via TEDx, Thrive Global, Fempreneur Online, Much More Media, Captivate + Convert, She Built This, The Writing Cooperative, and other outlets. Learn more about her copywriting and TEDx coaching services.

Take the guesswork out of TEDx.

Never wonder "What's my next step?"

This easy-to-follow TEDx calendar maps out exactly how much prep time you need to write, edit, memorize, and rehearse your talk.

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    Cathlyn Melvin